about the untamed alchemist & untamed alchemy



Welcome to the wee corner of the interweb where I share some of the magick, madness, musings, insights, recipes, and resources I stumble on and over as I re-member my way.

I’m Kristina, The Untamed Alchemist.

I’m a diarist, nature lover, creatrix, and storyteller with a passion for archetypes, alchemy, symbology, folklore, and liberation theology. I delight in the art & science of aromatics, herbs, oils, food, permaculture, and Mother Earth chemistry.

My writing and creations are informed by my education in women’s studies, religion, liberation theology, ritual, and divination, my training as an aromatherapist, herbalist, distiller, teacher, and facilitator, and my experience as a craftswoman, farmer, gardener, and witch living in North Idaho.

Growing both older and wiser, my perspective has come to include a more outspoken awareness of (and reaction to) my mis-education.

As a result, my most profound inner and outer work over the last five years has involved actively dismantling structures, beliefs, assumptions, behaviors, relationships, and systems in my life. And there’s always more to do.

You should know my perspective is often passionate and purpose-driven–and not evergreen. (I look back at early articles in these archives and CRINGE.)

Inevitably, things are always changing, improving, shifting, and growing–sometimes they are decaying, coming undone. This is the work. Messy and magical.

I could give myself an ulcer worrying about how I got here and what I would do differently (I did!), but my Tarot cards are Judgment reducing to The High Priestess so I am literally here to get over it.

My life path involves having the courage to be right here and do it differently right now.

The crux of my “life’s work,” what I call untamed alchemy, is rooted in continuous, courageous creative transformation, informed by the tension of liminal spaces, and anchored in a desire to create more than I consume. I am awed by how blessed and how blind I am. The joy and horror of this life have me in their grasp. If these pages reflect a struggle on my part, it’s because my struggle is real. Sometimes, my struggle is also unnecessary.

Always, the work is a wild ride.

I hope you find inspiration, comfort, courage, hope, humor, and refuge here. May you be ever delighted, supported, and encouraged on your journey.

Bless and Blessed Be.

Recent Posts

Indulging the Divine Feminine: Raspberry Ice Cream

Indulging the Divine Feminine: Raspberry Ice Cream

What better way to celebrate the Divine Feminine than with a sweet, wild celebration of fresh foraged raspberries in a creamy ice cream?

Pondering the Pollinator Effect

Pondering the Pollinator Effect

Ever heard of The Butterfly Effect? According to Wikipedia, the butterfly effect is the part in chaos theory that holds there is a “sensitive dependence on initial conditions in which a small change in one state of a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large 

The Sweetest Sound: National Geographic on Flowers Responding to Pollinators’ Sounds

The Sweetest Sound: National Geographic on Flowers Responding to Pollinators’ Sounds

We opened our hive for the first time yesterday since welcoming honeybees to our farm. The collective remained completely calm and unperturbed by our presence and continued humming right along, hard at work building comb and tending brood as we shuffled the top bars to 

Rosewood: A Call for Support

Rosewood: A Call for Support

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In spring I placed posts and wrapped them in webbing though you looked dead I had vain hope that protected from nibbling lips you might die most quietly with at least some peace. A single leaf On a mangled branch last summer was gratitude enough 

Biscotti for Brighid

Biscotti for Brighid

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Practical Magic for Imbolc

Practical Magic for Imbolc

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Incense for the Longest Night

Incense for the Longest Night

Today’s recipe is the last for this winter series–it’s also the final item I’m making and sharing to use in my 2017 Yule ritual. This is incense for the longest night, essentially an aromatic altar offering for Yule. Stick incense using essential oils can easily 

Santa Lucia Anointing Perfume

Santa Lucia Anointing Perfume

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Winter Winds Lip Balm

Winter Winds Lip Balm

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Holiday Vodka Infused with Douglas Fir Spring Tips Tea

Holiday Vodka Infused with Douglas Fir Spring Tips Tea

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Mooning Over the New Moon – December 2017

Mooning Over the New Moon – December 2017

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Yummy Vegan Elderberry Gummies

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Siberian Fir Melt & Pour Soaps

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go deep

Mooning Over the New Moon – December 2017

Mooning Over the New Moon – December 2017

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