archetypes & associations

Indulging the Divine Feminine: Raspberry Ice Cream

Indulging the Divine Feminine: Raspberry Ice Cream

What better way to celebrate the Divine Feminine than with a sweet, wild celebration of fresh foraged raspberries in a creamy ice cream?

Biscotti for Brighid

Biscotti for Brighid

I’m aware biscotti aren’t exactly a traditional food for Imbolc. Also, I get that biscotti aren’t likely to be found on a list of typical items celebrating Brighid. I don’t care. I’m over here in a wee emotional funk, feeling a bit messy, moving a 

Practical Magic for Imbolc

Practical Magic for Imbolc

While many people associate Groundhog Day with superstitious weather prediction (or a timeless movie with Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell), witch-y types recognize it by other more evocative and symbolic names: Candlemas, the Feast of Brigid/Brighid, the Feast of Lights, Imbolc. Situated between the Winter 

Incense for the Longest Night

Incense for the Longest Night

Today’s recipe is the last for this winter series–it’s also the final item I’m making and sharing to use in my 2017 Yule ritual. This is incense for the longest night, essentially an aromatic altar offering for Yule. Stick incense using essential oils can easily 

Santa Lucia Anointing Perfume

Santa Lucia Anointing Perfume

The longest, darkest night approaches in the northern hemisphere–many of us seek warmth, comfort, light, and clarity to carry as we navigate the night. Crafted to celebrate Santa Lucia, this simple anointing perfume carries deep symbolism and bright energy. While the feast day and festivities 

Mooning Over the New Moon – December 2017

Mooning Over the New Moon – December 2017

If you follow me on social media, you already know that this witch worships most meaningfully at the New Moon. Each New Moon brings new opportunities to go deep and invites fresh intentions for deliberate engagement with my life. I’m always excited about a New 

Magical “Chai” Spiced Honey

Magical “Chai” Spiced Honey

My journey has moved me inward of late: I find myself giving more time and energy to contemplative and mystical pursuits as I seek to re-establish broken parts of my connection with my self. Having awoken to profound wounds, I am doing the work necessary 

Simmering for Persephone

Simmering for Persephone

  Welcome to the magical time where the veil between the worlds is thin, when those ancestors who have transitioned ask to be touched and remembered, when The Wheel turns to lift autumn’s golden cloak and instead reveals a ghost of a landscape. Thinned of 

Strawberry Rhubarb Crumb-Bumble

Strawberry Rhubarb Crumb-Bumble

Things can be a little slow up here in the North country. Early spring blessings don’t always greet us in early spring–sometimes we have to wait until much closer to summer for delicious things like strawberries and rhubarb to emerge. But, oh, when they do… 

Sweet, Fragrant Milk & Honey: An Aromatic Bath for Imbolc

Sweet, Fragrant Milk & Honey: An Aromatic Bath for Imbolc

The pagan festival of Imbolc–also known as the feast of Brigid, the Festival of Lights, Candlemas, Lupercalia, Feast of Flames, and the Festival of Milk–marks the midpoint between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. Celebrating the return of the light, it falls at the 

Emerging Essences: Energetics of Early Spring Blooms

Emerging Essences: Energetics of Early Spring Blooms

Over the next few weeks, many gardens will be dotted with the emergence of the earliest spring blooms, most notably many perennial bulbs. On our farm in the Idaho panhandle, we can expect to see a number of flowers, from hyacinth and crocus to narcissus and daffodils, emerging with fresh 

Clearing, Purifying, and Cleaning at Imbolc

Clearing, Purifying, and Cleaning at Imbolc

It’s about that time when we begin getting antsy for signs of spring. As the light, warmth, energy, and glow of spring build behind the scenes, many of us are feeling the turning point… While some people will be watching a groundhog for signs of spring’s 

mooning over love

mooning over love

Ah, lurve. Few things are more fun to elevate and celebrate with oils, herbs, and food than sweet, sweet love. Whereas many of the best parts of love are arguably intangible, love is still very much informed by our senses — especially in the physical expression 

Oils & Herbs for Virgo

Oils & Herbs for Virgo

Meet Virgo… Intelligent, observant, independent, and precise, Virgos are one of the bigger thinkers of the zodiac — they love to analyze details and get into the nitty-gritty of things with much of the action focused on their thought processes as opposed to physical action. 

aromatherapy for grief & loss

aromatherapy for grief & loss

Can I be completely honest with you? The last two years have been doozies. I mean pick-you-up-and-throw-you-down fire walks. In the first year I lost my job at a place that held my heart and my core relationships. I went from being surrounded by people