Tag: choosing an essential oil company

the big, burning question, part iii of iii: my red flags

the big, burning question, part iii of iii: my red flags

This is part iii of iii in response to “what brand of essential oils I recommend,” focused on the red flags I sometimes see with potential suppliers along with one big, beautiful appeal for peace, love, and understanding… You’ll find part i, my thoughts on the…

the big, burning question, part ii: how I choose my essential oil suppliers

the big, burning question, part ii: how I choose my essential oil suppliers

The big, burning question I so often get is, “what brand of essential oils do you recommend?” The first part of my response to the question, focused on the question itself, can be found in part i of this series here. In this post you’ll find part ii of…

the big, burning question, answered (sort of), part i of iii

the big, burning question, answered (sort of), part i of iii

Of all of the questions I’m asked as an aromatherapist, the question about “which brand” of essential oils I recommend is BY FAR the most commonly posed — it’s also one of the most problematic and troublesome questions to answer. It’s especially precarious to provide a…